BabyG's Reviews N Such Media Kit
Thank you for your interest in choosing BabyG's Reviews N Such to test and review your products.

BabyG's Reviews N Such was founded in November of 2014
Hello and welcome to my blog, my name is Gayle. I am very new to the blogging world, but I am a fast learner. I have a full-time job working with individuals that have disabilities and love it. I am also going to college full time for Criminal Justice.
I will abide by all of the information below:
- Any questions that you might have for me, you are always more than welcome to contact me directly.
- Any product that is sent to me, I must be able to keep.
- If you need an Amazon review, I can do that as well.
- I will use my own pictures plus stock for the reviews.
- I will do an unbiased review of the product that I review, once I have had time to fully review.
- Instead of leaving a negative review, I will contact the company and explain to them why I feel the product isn't for me.
- The company is responsible for shipping the product(s).
Thank You!
BabyG's Reviews N Such

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